Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

It is important that, as parents, you know where to find any information you may need about Special Educational Needs, or who to contact should you need any help or guidance.

Mrs Rathmell is our SENDCO who manages provision in school. An appointment can be arranged via the school office to discuss the needs of your child. Alternatively, you can email her on aatrrathmell@adastraacademytrust.com

In the first instance it may be best to contact the class teacher. If they cannot chat to you on the playground before or after school then please ask for an appointment.

You may also find it helpful to speak to Mrs Wilkes, our Parent Support Advisor. She has an office in school and can help with any concerns you may have and has helped point many parents in the right direction to get support.

You will find our SEND policy below. This helps explain how we manage SEND in school, what school can offer and how we approach teaching pupils with SEND. If you would like to discuss any of the information in the policy then please contact us at school. This policy has been approved by our Governors and our staff feedback to them as to how it works in school.

You will also find a link below which provides information on the ‘local offer’. This is information on how Stockton as a Local Authority manage SEND across the borough.

Crooksbarn SEND Information Report
SEND Graduated Response Crooksbarn Primary
SEND Policy 2024-2025
Crooksbarn Primary School Accessibility Plan 23
Crooksbarn Primary School Equality Information and Objectives 2023
Single Equality Policy 23 v2


Click on the following link for the Stockton LA SEND offer:



Parent/Carer SEN Support Guidance:
